Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Vienna and onwards

Note: Getting near the end now....almost done with the update.

Vienna is only 40 kilometers, more or less from Bratislava so it is very easy to get there. Beause we started to run out of time for the trip by this point we only stayed two nights in Vienna. The city is vast and too difficult to try and see everything. So we saw as much as we could on the bicycles we rented from out Hotel, the Hotel Pratestern.

I can't remember too much about Vienna now but will mention the bits I can and that happened to be what I enjoyed most.

On this trip that cuisines and the food you can find are all delicious but they are also very similar. Around the Baltic you get a lot of herring, in the eastern european countries a lot of meats and cold cuts. it gets a bit boring. We tried to spice it up a bit by occasionally going to different places but tried to stay true. By the time we got to Vienna we needed something different to eat.

We lucked out by just choosing the first place we saw, Tacos Lopez on the Pratestern. In Europe, good Mexican restaurant are few and far between, if they even exist. Tacos Lopez is a traditional taqueria type of restaurant that is amongst the best places I have ever had Mexican food. It is not like the bad Tex-mex you often get at so called Mexican restaurants in Europe. This place was tops. Go there!

We very quickly drove through Germany as we were trying to make good time, as you might imagine on the autobahns. This was exciting because we could push the smart car to its speed limited 95mph but also to get passed by cars going much faster.

We stopped in Baden Baden for the night where we had some tradional schnitzel at the Lowenbrau restaurant which serve beer by the liter and a half. It was all very tasty after a whole day on the road. Baden Baden itself is a posh spa town that was recently well known by the WAG's during the recent World Cup. Though we didn't see much of the town itself, I think I would like to go back and spend some time there.


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