Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Poland: to Krakow

Note: Yes, I am still updating.

On our way down to Krakow we stopped off in Oswiecim which is a Polish village outside Krakow better known by the German name given to it, Auschwitz. Don't really want to say too much about the place. Auschwitz, the original camp, is a place to visit and get all the info you could ever want on what happened under the Nazis during World War II. The buildings, the displays will give you all you need.

But for sheer depressingness and understanding of what it must have been like for concentration camp detainees, you need to go a little further away to Auschwitz-Birkenau which is the camp that was built when the original became too small. Auschwitz-Birkenau is what you imagine a camp to look like. Row after row of blocks where the prisoners spent their time. The size of the camp is big and from the gate tower you can see how far these buildings stretch.

In the middle is where the train tracks are and where the trains would pull in to leave the prisoners. As the day was coming to an end and the sun was going down the air turned chilly quickly which then made mist collect in the gulleys next to the tracks. Looking at this with the backdrop of the gate and watchtowers was very moving.


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